
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in; I needed clothes and you clothed me; I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Mathew 25: 35 & 36

As FLF missions’ ministry, we serve our neighbors, in our communities and abroad, with compassion and respect and to our optimal capacity demonstrating in practical ways the love of our Lord Jesus Christ for every human being.

We offer hope through Jesus Christ by responding to those affected by natural disasters, children with a parent who is incarcerated (Angel Tree), orphans and widows, feeding individuals who are homeless (Project Compassion), minister to the elderly (Nursing Home Ministry) and serve others in need by providing clothing, food, and emotional, spiritual and other supports.

If you have a heart for those in need, join the FLF Missions team.  We meets every 3rd Sunday after morning service. You can also join us on the prayer line at (phone number) on (day of the week), from (time).

To make a financial contribution, you may send a check  to Family Life Fellowship with a note: “FLF Missions”. Please be sure to include your address and we will send you a tax receipt.